Addicted to (adj)
(take) advantage of (n)
Advice on (n)
Affected by (adj)
Afraid of (adj)
Agree with sb on sth (v)
Aim at (v)
Allergic to (adj)
Amazed at/by (adj)
Amount to (v)
Amused at/with/by (adj)
Angry with sb about for doing sth (adj)
Angry with sb about sth (adj)
Annoyed with sb about sth (adj)
(in) answer to (n)
Anxious about sth (adj)
Apologise to sb for sth (v)
Appeal to/against (v)
...Lb. Engleza
... atunci când este menționat numărul casei:
We live at 16 King Street. (notă-> in King Street)
-> când facem referire la un poziție exactă:
My father is at the door.
-> când vorbim despre locația unui business, sau a unei persoane:
at the doctor's
at Alexandru's (house)
-> ...Lb. Engleza
...ing the car.
Never have I enjoyed myself more!
-> schimbând poziția verbului și a subiectului:
Along the street came a strange procession.
Se folosește INVERSIUNEA/ Inversion DUPĂ:
-> negative adverbials (expresie adverbială negativă) * doar la început de frază.
Expresii de timp/ Time expressions: never, rarely, seldom
Never have I heard a weaker excuse! I have never ...Lb. Engleza