To meet someone halfway = come to a compromise with them.
Meet trouble half-way
To meet trouble halfway = worry about it even before it comes.
Put someone on their mettle
To put someone on their mettle = encourage them ...Lb. Engleza
...ited amount of money
On principle = due to a belief
On one's own = independently
On target = as planned
On duty = working
On purpose = intentionally
On condition that = if only
Well -heeled = bogat
Well brought up = bine crescut
Well spoken = vorbit de bine
Well thought of = despre care ...Lb. Engleza
...care merg adesea împreună, cum ar fi hard work sau make a mistake.
Break out of prison
Take / made a stand on/against sth
Make an arrest
Pay for one's crime
Make amends for
Do one's bit
Take the blame
Pay a fine
Break or pass a law
Lay down the law
Serve time in prison
Serve sb with a warrant
Commit a ...Lb. Engleza
... path to success = cursa care te impiedica catre succes
Keep plugging away = continue doing something despite difficulties
Inch your way towards = to move slowly and gradually
Put things into perspective = a pune lucrurile in ordinea prioritatii
Side-tracked = to delay the progress of something by causing ...Lb. Engleza