Habits and routines (with always, usually, etc). She usually goes to the market on Mondays.
Timetables and programmes (in the future). His train arrives at six o'clock next Tuesday.
Sporting commentaries, reviews and narration.
Feeling and emotions.
The time ...Lb. Engleza
...a se pun intre SB si VB la verbele notionale si dupa la verbe auxiliar. Exemplu: I often go to school by bus. I can never understand such people. b) actiuni care au loc dupa un orar fix. Exemplu: The train leaves at 4: 40. ...Lb. Engleza
...e morning, but this morning I am drinking coffee. b) pentru actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor dar sunt planuite in prezent. I am visiting my parents tomorrow. c) cand vorbitorul este iritat de ...Lb. Engleza
Predictions about the future, based on what we think, belive or imagine, using the verbs think, belive, expect etc; the expressions be sure, be afraid, etc; and the adverbs probably, certainly, perhaps etc. He will probably tell you later.
...Lb. Engleza