...re si vocale -s se citeste -z: pencil->pencils; car->cars
Dupa s, z se pune es si se citeste "iz": case->cases
Substantivele in -ch, -sh, -s, -c sau -zz fac pluralul in -es: peach->peaches; bush->bushes
Cand substantivele se termina in "y" precedate de consoane, "y-ul" se transforma in "i" + "es" : fly->flies ...Lb. Engleza
...singular countable nouns when we want to say what somebody /something is or what someone's job is. ex: It is a cat. Alex is an engineer.
With the verb have(got)
In certain expressions when we want to show how often we do something. I go ...Lb. Engleza
...ubstantivul inaintea caruia a fost mentionat in cursul discutiei. Un numar de substantive sunt obligatoriu insotite de articolul hotarat: the humanities, the forefront.
Poate indeplini functia gradelor de a transforma adjectivele in substantive:
abstracte unice: beautiful (adj), the beautiful (substantive)
ale pluralitatii: poor (adj), the poor (substantive)
individuale ...Lb. Engleza
...men like jewelry. Daca sunt determinate se pune "the": The women in this country like jewelry.
substantive nume de materie: Sugar is a sweet substance. dar: The sugar over there.
anotimpuri: spring
in expresii: at school, at home.
cu substantive: school, university, church, work: London ...Lb. Engleza