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Incorrect: Every people know this.
Correct: Everybody knows this. / Everyone knows this.
Incorrect: Each hands have five fingers.
Correct: Each hand has five fingers.
Incorrect: Either roads lead to the airport.
Correct: Either road leads to the airport.
The adjectives each, every, either and neither should be followed by a singular noun and a singular verb.
Incorrect: I have no any friends.
Correct: ...
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- Baza Nationala de date cu Materia Completa Recomandata, Sintezele, Lectiile, Grilele, Testele si Subiectele Online la cel mai exigent nivel;
- Organizatorul Online, Newsfeed-ul National si Calendarul Personal;
- Programul tau Personalizat de Pregatire, Asistentul tau Virtual si Sugestii Inteligente;
- Statistici Avansate Individuale si de Comunitate, Topuri si Clasamente Nationale;
- Simulator Online Examen Admitere, Teste/Lectii si Teste/Capitole;
- Newsletter Periodic, Notificari, Mesaje Motivationale si Informatii Exclusive;
- Evenimente Locale, Profesori in apropierea ta, etc
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