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Future Simple: We use the future simple (will + bare infinitive) for:
Decisions made at the moment of speaking. It is cold. I will close the window.
Predictions about the future, based on what we think, belive or imagine, using the verbs think, belive, expect etc; the expressions be sure, be afraid, etc; and the adverbs probably, certainly, perhaps etc. He will probably tell you later.
Dupa inscriere veti accesa Programul National de Pregatire Intensiva si toate modulele oferite in cardul Programului. Le listam aici pe cele mai importante dintre ele:
- Baza Nationala de date cu Materia Completa Recomandata, Sintezele, Lectiile, Grilele, Testele si Subiectele Online la cel mai exigent nivel;
- Organizatorul Online, Newsfeed-ul National si Calendarul Personal;
- Programul tau Personalizat de Pregatire, Asistentul tau Virtual si Sugestii Inteligente;
- Statistici Avansate Individuale si de Comunitate, Topuri si Clasamente Nationale;
- Simulator Online Examen Admitere, Teste/Lectii si Teste/Capitole;
- Newsletter Periodic, Notificari, Mesaje Motivationale si Informatii Exclusive;
- Evenimente Locale, Profesori in apropierea ta, etc
TOT ce-ti trebuie ca sa FII ADMIS la Scoala de Agenti de Politie Cluj.'
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